I changed my font at Lily Puff

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It Saddens Me...

...that SO many people in the world are hypocrites. Why is it that people what to do whatever they want, be whoever they want, act however they want and try to force their way and beliefs on others? I am very much the type of person who will not judge someone based on their lifestyle or way of thinking. But I am going to do that right now, because I can no longer hold my tongue. It makes me SICK that so many of the gay community are being SO DISRESPECTFUL to one particular group of people! People whom I belong to. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints. Some of this group are doing "Kiss In's" in front of LDS Temples across the country. As you all know, The Church is against homosexuality...NOT homosexuals. We are against the LIFESTYLE, not the person. Now, I personally believe being gay is a CHOICE, although some will argue it is a disorder. It's up for debate, but I still believe what I believe. You don't see LDS members standing outside gay bars and protesting. I think there should be a line drawn between "protesting" and harrassing. Just because The Church hasn't bowed down and followed the world, We've chosen to stick to The Lords way. It's wrong that people, and it's not JUST gays, can feel good about the way they are treating a group of people. When Prop 8 happened, The Church didn't go around rallying for people to vote for it. They simply sent a letter to the stakes in California telling them to vote the way they think is best, the way in which they know to be in coordinance with God's Law. That was it.

I don't know. It just breaks my heart everyday, when I see things like this on the news. How people can go to sleep knowing how they have harrassed a religion, I do not know. Why does someone feel they need the approval of a religion they aren't even a part of?!?

Joseph Smith once said The Church will always be under persecution. I now know that to be true, because I have lived through it in my lifetime now.

I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints IS TRUE. I love it and it has brought so much happiness to my life, and no one can take that away from me.


Becca Jane said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. Great post!

The Seiuli's said...

Geez I didn't even know that was going on. How sad! Amen to all you said.

Steve and Larae said...

Seriously people...I feel the same way as you. The church isn't saying that they are bad people, we simply don't agree with some things they choose to do. Why does The church have to agree with them? They are free to be gay and we are free to feel that love is meant for a man & a woman.