I changed my font at Lily Puff

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A babies gotta eat!

And apparently, mine wants to use his teeth.

No, Will does not have teeth...yet. But I am pretty certain he is getting ready to have them emerge and grace me with all their glory. (Ah, breastfeeding. Maybe it won't be that bad...) The boy drools like NO ONES business! He chews on anything and everything he can get his little paws on. I swear, if he could fit the entire binkie in his trap, he would. And he would love it.

Today, he started randomly screaming. And I'm not talking just the "Oh, my life is horrible! Won't someone change my bum?!" cry. I'm talking full blown, red faced, "TAKE A BREATH!" crying.

Let's just say, I'm not a fan.

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