I changed my font at Lily Puff

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Adeus 2008!

Adeus 2008! Wow! I can't believe this year is almost over!! This time last year, I was doing the final touches on packing up my life and making the "trek" to Utah. I can't believe it was ONLY a year ago that I was living in Georgia! It seems much longer! Don't worry though, I don't consider myself a Utard yet.

Let's see, 2008 has been a BIG year for us! On January 2, 2008, my friend Alisha and I packed up my truck and started the "28-hour" drive to Utah. We had the truck completely FULL, cd's to listen too, money saved up, places to see and we had to make sure we made it by the first day of classes, which was on the 7th. In the car we went. Drove through MOST of the middle continental US, and made it to Columbia, MO on our first night! The next day we drove through the "borning" part of the country. You know, Kansas, those FLAT states, but I LOVED driving through them! We made it to Fort Collins Colorado on our 2nd day. We thought FOR SURE we would make it to Salt Lake the next day...then a HUGE snow storm hit! It was such a bad storm, they had I80 closed. Well...we didn't want to wait. We decided we would brave the snow and take I70 THROUGH the mountains instead. Why we thought driving through the mountains would be a smarter idea, I am not sure. I decided I would drive the first part, then when we had to stop again, Alisha would drive. We were right at about Vail, CO, driving pretty slow because of snow and ice on the roads. We went through Eisenhower Tunnel, hit a patch of ice and ended up centered on a snow bank with nothing but snow and trees below us. It is truly a blessing we didn't get in a major accident. We were on the far end of the street, and when we hit the ice, we swerved across the lanes of traffic, and didn't get hit. I was driving and completely shaken. Talk about being baptizd by fire...or I guess you could say snow in my case. We tried to reverse out of the snow, but we couldn't get out. Then, another blessing to us poor girls, SIX people NOT including the two officers who stopped helped to dig us out of the bank and onto road! I could not believe how many people were willing to stop and help us! It was amazing! Needless to say, Alisha drove afterwards for a little while. Finally, we made it into Utah. There is NOTHING more beautiful then Southern Utah in the winter. The snow just barely covers the red rock cliffs and it is the most gorgeous sight you will ever see. I knew the desert was pretty, I just didn't now how pretty. That is not the end of our adventures though. It started getting dark, and with the dark came the snow. I don't know if any of you have ever driven through Southern Utah before, but actual exits are few and far between. Most exits are "Ranch Exits." They don't have any hotels or gas stations. I think we did pass one that had a McDonald's though. We thought we'd be alright. We'd be able to make it before it got too dark to a hotel. Then, the snow really started to come down. I got nervous about driving in it and pulled to the side to let Alisha drive again. While she drove, I called 411 to see if they could help me find a hotel in the area. Service was scattered though. We drove behind a Semi-Truck for the majority of the end of the drive until FINALLY we saw a sign for a Best Western and a Motel 8. We pulled off the exit and plopped ourselves into the Best Western. (The Motel 8 was extra sketchy looking...like the hotel off Psycho!) I had Alisha tell Andy what had happened that day. I didn't want to hear him say "I TOLD you to go buy snow chains" Silly me though, he never even said anything about it. He just wanted to know we were alright. What a great guy! The next day, we made it to Salt Lake! FINALLY!

That was just the START to my year. Wow!

Andy and I were married on March 15, 2008 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. It was the best experience of my life! There is nothing more sweet then being married in the temple to the one you love for Eternity.

We had a week long cruise to the Bahamas! We went to Nassau, CocoKay and Key West! It was the best trip of my life!

We bought a Scooter around April.

We found out we were having our first baby, a boy to be named William Ray, in June. Yes, I found out when I was FOUR weeks pregnant. I have literally been pregnant FOREVER! Andy told me to not be so in tune with my body next time :) June is always when we made the drive BACK to Georgia for my Dad's wedding. The trip was fun, the wedding..well...I'll get used to that change.

In August, we moved into our amazingly adorable ONE-bedroom apartment at the U. I love it! I don't think my stuff loves it though...haha

Andy started another sememster at the U in the fall. It was a pretty good semester for him.

Halloween we dressed up as Esmerelda and Quasimodo.

We celebrated our SECOND Thanksgiving together and our One year anniversary from the day Andy proposed to me! Here we are on that day over a year ago!

The month of December has been great! We put up our first Christmas tree, celebrated my 21st birthday...three times...Celebrated our first Christmas! It really was a great year!

Tonight we are sending 2008 off in good old fashioned Fraser style! We're getting together at Andy's sister Cassie's, playing games and eating good food. I am hoping I can throw in some of my traditions from New Year's too. Like Martinellie's Sparkling Cider at Midnight. Watching Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve and playing Monopoly until somone gets irritated! I am sure we won't be able to do all those things, but I'll be thinking about them throughout the night.

I am so very grateful to be blessed with such a wonderful family. To have a husband who loves me and puts up with my attitude most days, and doesn't stay angry at me for more then 5 minutes at a time. I am grateful to be blessed with my own home and to be starting a family.

2008 has been good to us! Let's hope 2009 will be even better!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

2 and a half hours of hot, Jamie Fraser goodness :)

So, I don't know if most of you remember my whole blog entry about Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series, but if you do, you probably also remember I am obsessed with the series. Obsessed could be putting it lightly as well. Anyways, I was talking about how I think it would be great to do a movie of the series, but even grater to do a TV Series, because there is just SO much going on in the story.

Well....my long awaited wish has come true! I just read here that they are offically writing a scrpit for the movie! Now, I know for certain the movie will NOT be as good as the book, but it will be good nonetheless. Mainly because the guy who is writing it, Randall Wallace, is the SAME guy who wrote the scripts for Braveheart and Pearl Harbor. Both of which are incredibly great movies. If you haven't seen them, you need to stop what you are doing and go to Blockbuster. RIGHT NOW.

Now, there is no release date as of yet. It actually may not even be made into an actual movie, but hey, they are writing a script for it...let's all keep our fingers crossed ok?

If you haven't read the books, go to your local library right now and check them out. My sister-in-law is on a waiting list for the books in Idaho Falls. They are really great books. And if you don't fall in love with Jamie Fraser, I'm not sure we can continue being friends.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A New Week...Finally!

I don't know about you guys, but last week was the LONGEST week ever! I thought this last week would NEVER end! It doesn't help that I have been sick, ALL WEEK LONG! I woke up on Monday with the voice of a smoker, with the cough to go along with it and a stuffy nose. So, I went to work anyways. Don't worry, I used hand sanitizer and washed my hands about every 5 minutes. When I got home from work, I totally crashed. I slept for about three hours until I had to pick up Andy from work. Then, I made some dinner...I don't remember what I made though. I think it was just soup and sandwiches. Which sounds really good right now! Anywho, I went to bed super early on Monday night, woke up Tuesday morning and decided I needed to stay home and rest. So, I didn't go into work. I had a little breakfast, a snack at lunch and then made some dinner and barely ate. I just had no appetite. For the rest of the week and actually still today, I am still coughing and blowing my nose and pretty much SICK of being sick! I've done the whole fluids and resting thing. It's just not helping. I don't know what else to do besides go to the doctor...which I am NOT a fan of at all. To top everything off, Andy has finals this week and had a 15 page paper due last week. Our house has been a MESS!

This weekend was fun though. We had our ward Christmas party on Friday! Saturday we were supposed to go to my Uncle's house, but he called and cancelled. Well, I didn't feel like cooking anything and I was HUNGRY! I suggested we just go to like Wendy's or something. Then, Andy got all sneaky on me. Saying "I know where we can go! But it's a surprise!" Where did we end up going?? RED LOBSTER!! Yummmmm-o! He took me there as an early birthday gift! My birthday isn't until next Monday. But it was so fun! We sat down and the waitress asked if we wanted anything from the bar...hello, I know I am obviously pregnant looking. Plus, I don't drink and I'm not technically 21...YET! haha

One thing that drives me nuts about being pregnant...the comments people make! Some people are just rude! The two I've been getting the most are "Ohhh, you must be having a Christmas baby!" Yeah...I'm not...thanks though. This is the most recent one I have been getting "When's that baby due?" "February 22." "OHHHHHH! WOW! You sure are BIG!" Wow! Thank you! As if I don't already FEEL large, I know other people think I AM large! It is just amazing to me what people think they can say to a pregnant woman. It's like you are free game. Oh, she's pregnant, I'm gonna touch her belly! What's up with that??! If I was skinny would you touch my belly? No, I don't think you would. I know it's amazing having a baby and people just love new babies BUT strangers is a completely different story! Needless to say...I have 10 weeks left! Then I will have a baby and people will comment on how cute he is and NOT on how large I am! Hopefully...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hubby Tag

What's your husband's name? Andrew Adam Fraser...call him Andy

How long have you been married? Almost 9 months :)

How long did you date? Hmm...We met in June, and were engaged in November, married in March.

How old is he? He's 24. He'll be 25 in July

Who eats more sweets? Oh, I do.

Who said "I Love You" first? He did. And it was SO CUTE! I cried

Who is taller? Andy

Who is a better singer? Oh, That's Andy.

Who is smarter? umm, I would say we are both pretty smart. But he's the one who will be the Doctor...

Who does the laundry? hahaha Andy does :) He's been doing it so long, I am afraid I am forgetting how it's done.

Who pays the bills? He does. Although most everything is on automatic bill pay, so it's not hard.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Um I technically do, except I like to sleep in the middle.

Does he snore? only occasionally.

What does he do in his spare time? homework or watches tv.

Who mows the lawn? the maintenance man does

What is his favorite candy bar? resee's

Who cooks dinner? Me

Who drives? When we are together, usually he does. He is a passenger seat driver and makes me nervous when I drive

Who is the first to say they are wrong? Psh, I'm always right! haha kidding...we both admit it when we are wrong

Who kissed who first? umm he did. And he took forever about it too.

Who asked who out first? He did. Let me just say, I was not too thrilled about going out with an old man with chest hair :)

Who wears the pants? Oh, I do. :) Kidddddding

Does he say he loves you every day? very many times :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

28 weeks down...12 to go!

I can't believe I have been pregnant for 28 weeks already! Well, actually, I guess I can. Andy and I found out we were having a baby VERY early. I was 4 weeks when I took the first positive test, 5 weeks when I took the second and 6 weeks when I went to the clinic for a doctors test. All three times my test was positive! Obviously. Being pregnant is like nothing I have ever done in my whole life. It is amazing and baffling knowing I have an actually person inside of me. Will already has SO much personality. Here in Utah, they start playing Christmas music on November 1st. Now, normally I am a complete ANTI Christmas music before Thanksgiving person. I growl and moan every time I hear it on the radio. Well, since I have been pregnant, I have been listening to Christmas Music since November 1st. I know, it's practically a sin, but I just can't help it. I love it. And I think I love it SO much because when I listen to it, Will gets really active. He starts dancing around and he is just so much fun when the Christmas music is on :) He also loves to play with Andy. Andy and I will lay on the couch and he will tap on my belly or rub it and Will pushes back RIGHT where Andy has been tapping or rubbing. It is SO amazing. I love to see Andy's face when he feels his little dude move around. I think it is so great that Andy plays with him and talks to him. I think babies can tell who is mom and who is dad and I think it is important for them to start bonding early. I feel like I get to spend all this time with Will and it is great for Andy to feel like he gets to spend time with him too. I also finally got my glider :) Andy's sister Nikki gave us one and his other sister Cassie has been keeping it at her house. I love it. I sit in it and work on my table cloth. I want to get Will used to the rocking, that way when he is here and I rock him in it, he'll think "Hey, rocking...I know this. This is nice." haha Needless to say, we are excited to meet our little dude :)

On other News...Thanksgiving was fun! It was kinda hard for me. It was my first without my family and I was very homesick. I made it through though:) I woke up early and made some waffles with raspberry syrup. While we had breakfast, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. My favorite part is when the Radio City Rockettes come out. They are SO amazing I think. I just love them. I got to see their show once and it was just the most awesome thing ever! While that was on, I also baked my first pie. It was pumpkin and it was yummy :) I was so nervous about it. Luckily, it turned out great and got eaten all gone. Then we went to my Aunt Lauralee's house with my cousin Kricket and her family. We had turkey sandwiches and cranberry jell-o and just hung out. We then went to Andy's Aunt Jean's house to see his grandparents. I got sucked into a game of Apples to Apples. I like Andy's Aunt Jean and her family. They kinda remind me of my famliy in the sarcasim and craziness. Then, I had another piece of pie and we left. Afterwards, we had Thanksgiving dinner with Andy's parents. It was fun. Lots of good food. We played this card game called SCUM...let me just say, it's fun, BUT it SUCKS! Basically, if you are scum, you STAY scum! It's fun though. I'll play it again one day. Andy and I ate so much food, I didn't sleep well because my stomach was in such pain. It was a pretty great holiday :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

So let me just TELL you!

First, BYU got STOMPED on Saturday! Go Utes! It was a pretty good game. We went to our Bishop's house and got to spend time with some people in the ward and watch the game and eat lots of yummy food :)

Second, We didn't get the house cleaned...Andy did clean the tub though. I will be cleaning the rest of the house through out the week.

Third, I made meatloaf yesterday for the first time. It was delicious :) But it is SO messy and gross to make. It looks like brains or something. Andy loves it though.

Fourth, I will just say, we saw Twilight and it was AWESOME! I am not a big fan of the actress who plays Bella, BUT I am also not a big fan of Bella in the books. Weird huh? What are your thoughts? Have you seen the movie? My absolute FAVORITE character in the movie was Charlie! He was SO funny! The movie took him to a WHOLE new level. He was just hilarious! I loved it! I also liked Billy and thought Jacob was TOTALLY hot. Too bad I'm married and he's about 4 years too young for me anyways. I guess I just have a thing for Native Americans :) haha Andy loved the movie too. I kept giving him insider tips about what was going on. We are going to read the books together :) That will be so fun!

Oh, I don't know if anyone else has realized this, but I have my baby in THIRTEEN WEEKS! THIRTEEN! Can you believe that? I know I can't. I am considering hypnobirthing. I want to do Natural Childbirth and Hypnobirthing is a way of pretty much hypnotizing yourself and relaxing your mind. It is just techniques to not focus so much on the pain. I am going to do some more research on it and talk to my doctor as well. Our hospital offers a Hypnobirthing class and depending on how my doctor feels about it, I will be signing me and Andy up for it :) I have just done so much research on the effects of birth without an epidural and brith with an epidural. Heaven knows childbirth is going to be a pain! I have read that labor is much longer with an epidural, you don't tear as much without one and recovery is so much faster. I just figure, my body was meant to do this. It knows what it is doing. I feel like it will totally be a mind over matter thing for me. I'm not putting down epidurals, I just don't think they are for everyone. I have heard good and bad things about them. Either people LOVE them or they HATE them. I think it is a personal choice about what you feel best doing. What are your thoughts? If you have had children, what did you chose to do? How was your labor experience??

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It's weird, I go through spurts where I have NOTHING to say on this thing, then all of the sudden it's like "ohhh, I should do this!" Or, "I want to tell everyone about this" and I have tons to say for days at a time. I guess this is one of those times :) haha

I am pretty obsessed with Twilight. Not as much as some, but definitely MORE then others! Well, Andy and I are going to see it on SATURDAY!! Yippee! Right before the Utah vs. BYU game. Which, BYU will get their butts kicked!! Sorry to all you BYU fans, I love ya, but it's true! haha

So, this Saturday is a busy day! First, I will have to clean my house :(

Then, I will get to see TWILIGHT :)
THEN we get to watch Utah and BYU battle it out!!


I am pretty excited about all the stuff we get to do this weekend...except cleaning. That's not fun.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just something fun :)

High School

1. Did you date someone from High School? Umm actually, yes. Duh.

2. What kind of car did you drive? Let me see. For 6 weeks I drove a '94 Acura Integra. Then I got hit driving home from school. Then I drove a '92 Honda Accord. AkA: a piece of poo, but it had a sun roof and Hawaiian seat covers :)

3. What was your most embarrassing moment in High School? It'll have to be the one time I was sitting with all my friends at lunch, drinking a Fruitopia, when I took a sip, John Michael said something funny and I started to choke on my drink. The sad thing was no one cared. They all just kept laughing at me. I had to get up and run to the the bathroom and make myself sick. Gross huh? Or the one time Senior year, I was wearing flops and I used to take a short cut to Weight Training and walk in the lunch room, well, there was lunch going on, and someone had spilled milk in the middle of the floor...and I slipped on it. In front of the WHOLE cafeteria. Totally busted up my knee. Mr. Green and Sigfreid came running towards me to help me up and I was completely embarrassed.

4. Were you a party animal? Nahhh

5. Were you considered a flirt? haha, Umm, with my good friends I was.

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Nope.

7. Were you a nerd? I guess. I always had good grades (except in Math. I hate numbers)

8. Were you on any varsity teams? Nope. I did cross country for a day. Freshman year. Then I realized that meant I would have to run a lot so I quit. Yes, I am a quitter.

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Nope. I did always get detention is Dr. Ho's Physics class though.

10. Can you still sing the fight song? I don't even KNOW the fight song.

11. Who were your favorite teachers? Hmm, Mrs. Nelson for sure 10th grade English, then FEA Senior year. Then Coach Hassenger. I had him for American History Junior year, then again for European History Senior year. I fell asleep in his class pretty much everyday, but I always did so well.

12. Where did you sit during lunch? That depends...Sophmore year I sat in the hall with Mandi and Jeri by the school store. Then Junior year, I sat in the same spot with the same people all year long. Senior year, I got to sit with the same people as Junior year, but then they switched my lunch, so me and John Michael had to go to a different lunch. We still sat together though :)

13. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Hmm...I think I actually would.

14. What do you remember most about graduation? That it took forever!

15. Where did you go for Senior Skip Day? hahaha, the only dat I EVER skipped. I went to my then boyfriends house and we were on our way to Subway when I got a flat tire.

16. Have you gained weight since then? Yep...I am also having a baby though.

17. Who was your prom date? Junior Year: John Michael. Senior Year: Matt Oldroyd.

18. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Umm, It would be fun. We'll see where we're at when that time comes around. It's still a ways away.

19. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? The same advice my mom always gave me "BOYS ARE STUPID!" haha and Study more.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ohhhhh the snow!

Just to catch you guys up on what's going on here at the Fraser Home: Halloween was great! I was Esmeralda and Andy was Egor, the Hunchback. People kept asking if he was Joseph and if that pregnant woman he was with was Mary. Mind you, I had HEAVY makeup on and a temporary tattoo on my neck, plus TONS of jewelry. Oh well...Gypsy's are a lot like Mary huh? Saturday, Andy and I went to Tooele with some of our friends and Andy taught me how to shoot a gun! Yep, that's right. 6 months pregnant, shootin a gun. I did pretty good too. I like to think I am learning survival skills, you know, in case I ever have to hunt my own food or something like that. This week has been pretty easy going. Monday we went to eat enchiladas with Andy's sister Becky and her family. We then had family home evening with them. It was really fun! Monday night, I woke up in the middle of the night with no breathing capability. And when I woke up on Tuesday morning it was worse. Still, I trucked through it and went to work. AND VOTED! Needless to say, my cadidate did not win, but it's ok. It was the lesser of two evils the way I see it. It was still the greatest experience! It was realllly crumy weather yesterday, and since so many people voted early, there was NO LINE! I walked right in with this big grin on my face, the lady asks "Can I help you?" and I said, "Yes! I would like to vote please!" And asked for my sticker too! It was such a great feeling to exercise my rights as an American! I loved it! I think I may be addicted to it actually! hahaha After that, I went to watch my friend Becca's little boy, Cameron. while she went to the store. He is such a funny kid! I went home, fell asleep on the sofa in front of the tv and woke up around 7 to "this just in, Obama has won Vermont" "This just in, Obama has won Virginia" "This just in, this just in this just in!" "We won't officially say Obama has won, but McCain has NO chance now." So, I tried to change the channel right? I love politics, but I really hate the whole play by play crap. I'd like to just know the end result, thanks. But it was on EVERY channel. The perks of having university cable! So, I watched the "This just in,..." With Shepherd Smith (he's the cutest news ancor) and peeled potatoes, cut up carrots, celery, onions and garlic. Made some bacon and then made clam chowder! Yesterday was the perfect day for it! I also make some rolls. Homemade...they were pretty good. After dinner, Andy and I watched President Obama give his speech. Then we went to bed. I hope that as a nation we can come together now and stop being so stinking divided! When I woke up this morning there was about 6 inches of snow at my house! Just over night like that! Urrgggg Utah!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Crazy things just happen sometimes!

Last night was the first night I got a good nights rest in a LOOONG time! I actually had a dream! It's been so long. Usually I am tossing and turning and getting up to go pee. Last night though, I didn't hardly move! It was great! Let's pray for more nights like that right?

On a different note, I may have gotten a good nights rest, but today has been CrAzY! First, I actually left on time this morning, only to get stuck in the parking lot waiting on the garbage man! He took like 10 or 15 minutes! I was parked in just the right spot that no matter which dumpster he was at, I was trapped! So....I didn't make it to work as early as I would have liked. Then, I am at work, just hanging out and this woman comes in. She is kind of panicked saying "I need to use the phone! I need to call the police!" She is homeless looking, and I didn't feel like I should deny her the phone. So, I let her use it. She calls and is talking to dispatch about how she was assulted at the 7-11 and wants to press charges and get a copy of the video tape. So, I'm thinking this poor woman right? Well, she leaves. And then she comes back. And is even more panicked. She needs to call the police again. She was just assulted by an officer. So, again, feeling I could not deny this woman to be able to use the phone, I let her. She calls again and tells dispatch how she was just assulted by the officer they sent. (With all the assulting going on, I should have known better. She didn't look to have any marks on her.) So, Dave, the owner comes out to the store. I was annoyed at this point and I could tell Dave was too. A police car drives by, Dave goes out and flags them down and the officer comes in saying "Pricillia, hang up the phone." She then says "What is going on? Why? I have the right to use the phone!" The officer says "only if they want you here and they don't want you here." Pricilla brings ME into it ( I guess I was the one who let her use the phone after all) "I asked to use it. Didn't I? You could have said no." Like, somehow I magically went and got the police and told them I didn't want her here...while she sat here in front of me for the whole time. I said, "You did ask, but the owner is the one who got the officer..." Then the officer cut me off saying "You don't need to explain to her. She is leaving." They walked out and he arrested her RIGHT in front of me! I have only ever seen people arrested on COPS! I was shocked. So, I went to apologize to Dave. I said "I am sorry, I really thought something was wrong." He said "Don't worry, you did the right thing. I was just at 7-11 and they had her in cuffs. So, when I saw her in here I flagged the officer cause I figured he was looking for her. Don't worry about it though. She said she needed the police." Pheew!

It was seriously the CrAzIeSt thing ever! What a day and it's only 1130!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet

Every morning I watch Good Day Utah and The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet. I have my routine. I wake up and make my grits, eat my breakfast and watch then weather. Then I shower, and by the time I am done showering, Mike and Juliet is on and I watch that while I finish getting ready. They do lots of fun stuff. It's kind of mind numbing things, but I love it. This morning though, they did a segment on spanking your children. I was very interested. They had a lady on who proudly admits she spanks her children, a lady who has only spanked her children once and she never did it again and an expert.
The woman who spanks her children was so proud of it. She was also very defensive. She said she spanks her children after she has given them numerous warnings and they still do not listen. She said she does not do time-outs because it just "gives children the opportunity to sit there and think of other things they can do to get into trouble." She only has a 5 and 3 year old...I think she's giving them a little too much credit. She said she can "guarantee" her children do not misbehave at the store and that her children will never grow up and end up in prison. I think she must be able to see the future or something. She also said she NEVER spanks her children out of anger.

The woman who has only spanked her children once is NOT proud of spanking them and admits to crying when she did so. She does time-outs and she talks to her children about what is appropriate behavior and WHY they are in time-out. She believes spanking is an immediate action to something coming from anger or frustration. She didn't get to say much else because the woman who spanks her children kept interrupting her.

The expert said that spanking is something that is done out of anger or frustration. The the spanking mother interrupted and said anger and frustration are NOT the same emotion and they come from different places and spanking your child out of anger is abuse, but spanking them out of frustration is NOT abuse. Then the expert said that research shows, children who are spanked on a daily or weekly basis are more likely to grow up and hit their spouses and children. They are also more likely...wait, spanking mother interrupted again, so the expert did not get to finish.

The spanking mother kept using the example that she lives on a major road. If her children run out to the road, it is an automatic spanking. When her five year old son ACTUALLY ran out into the road, he was spanked with a belt. A FIVE YEAR OLD. The expert finally was fed up with this woman and said, if you live in an area where there is a potential for your children to RUN out to a major road and you don't have a fence or something barricading them from the street if you have to turn your back for one second, you are an irresponsible parent! THANK YOU EXPERT!

As you guys can see, I was very irritated with this woman who spanks their children. She came out very high and mighty, as well as defensive. She even had the nerve to say to the expert, I spank my children when all the crap you say doesn't work. How rude of her!

Now, this brings me to how I feel about spanking and discipline. I am a very big believer in positive discipline. I feel that parents spank their children out of their own anger and frustration. It shows a lack of control on the parents part and a lack of discipline on themselves and their emotions. I can just picture that woman giving her children "numerous warnings" Which include not looking in their direction when she tells them to stop and not telling them what they are doing that they need to stop. It also includes as monotone voice with no authority in it. I am not saying yell at your child. That is just as bad. I am saying, if your child is doing something wrong, you get on their level, look them in the eye and tell them, "You DO NOT do....and give a reason why." Children understand a LOT more then parents give them credit. The woman who spanks her children also said it gives them the opportunity to "think of new ways to get into trouble." First of all, this is a woman who obviously believes everyone is born inherently evil and not good. Second of all, OF COURSE it gives them the opportunity to sit there and taunt you and try to get out of their seat. If you just throw them in time-out and that's it, you are not giving them any discipline at ALL! Most children need to be told WHY they are in time-out. WHY they are in trouble. AND they should also be told what is a better behavior. Putting a child in time-out and walking away is NOT the answer.

Like I said, positive discipline. I believe children should get 2 GOOD warnings. On their level (talking above children belittles them as much as spanking or yelling) , eye contact, "Johnny, this is your first warning. DO NOT throw the toys. That is how you hurt people and your toys." He throws them again. Again, down on their level, eye contact, grab hold of their arm if you have to do something to MAKE them look at you. "K, Johnny, this is your second warning. If you throw toys again, you will sit in time-out." So, lets say he throws it again, you should have a set place where your child sits. Get on their level, look in their eyes and tell them WHY they are in time out. "Johnny, you have to sit here because you would not stop throwing toys. That is how you break your toys and you could hurt someone else. What should you do with your toys?" Talk about it with your child. Then, one minute of time out for every year of their life. Five years, five minutes. Don't just walk away from your child, stay there in the room, you can be doing something else, but make sure your child KNOWS you are watching them. I also believe you should go over what you talked about in the beginning of time-out again once time-out is over. Repetition is key with children. Schedules are key. Being constant is key. Don't just do that sometimes. Do it every time. I can guarantee, a child who knows their parents love them and what their parents expect from them will keep them out of trouble and out of prison.

To the rude woman who spanks her children, I believe the way she does it is abuse, and someone should call Child Services on her. Or make her take a parenting class or SOMETHING!

I would like to know what you guys think as well, so hit me big time baby!

Monday, October 20, 2008

New and Exciting things for Moms and Mom's to be!

My friend and I are thinking of starting up our own little online website/blog of products we make for moms and mom's to be. Some of these items include baby slings and wraps, design burpies and binkie strings with clips, hairbands and bows, onies with ties, tie dye t-shirts and onesies, Hooter Hiders, onesies with ties and other designs for boys and cute designs for girls. We have lots of ideas and think it'll be great to make these things available to us moms! I love slings and baby wraps, but they are expensive to buy! We hope to offer great porducts at inexpensive prices!

Please let me know if you would be interested in these products. Also, any other ideas would be great!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Get Out There and VOTE

I hope everyone goes out on November 4th and votes! I am very excited about this election because I am a first time voter. I hope everyone does their research and votes for who they think will do the best job!

So, Make sure you are registered and get out there and VOTE! November 4th. Mark it!

Monday, October 13, 2008

And here I thought we were immune...

Well, I donno if any of you are very much affected by the slowing economy, we weren't really. We were kinda glad everyone else in the world was having to do the same things we are: scrimp and save. Well, I figured since we're already poor, we wouldn't get to really feel the economic slow down.

I was wrong :(

Friday afternoon, I was laid off my afternoon job. I have been working two jobs since May because I could not find full time work. So, I just made up for it by working two part time jobs. You are looking at the newly part time unemployed Mycah. My bosses said they just couldn't afford to keep me anymore. Major big bummer.

On the brighter side of things, I still have a part time morning job, Andy is working, and we've got a little money saved up. And now I have more time to do those wifey kinds of things, like make good meals and not just cheese quesadillas or "let's go to Arby's, we have coupons" I get to make good food, which is something I love to do! I felt bad for my poor husband who one night last week said, "I would really like a real meal" (I don't want you all thinking I abandon my husband, I am just really, really tired and I don't move around as easily because I get swollen hands and feet. And I did make him so barbeque chicken with rice and veggies on Thursday) I now have more time to get my wifely things done around the house. And Andy won't have to do the Laundry all the time cause now I can get to his parents house during the week and he won't have to do it during the weekend. Another good thing is Andy has his job still, working at the Biology Department at the U, he's part time when there is school and Full time during breaks. Which means this week we won't be missing too much of our money because it's fall break and he's working 8-4 :) It is truly a blessing that this happened now and not later.

So, in the mean time, I will be hittin up Craig's list and WFC for part time jobs that are temporary, since I am 5 1/2 months pregnant...I'm not so sure about anyone who will want to hire me. Hopefully I can find something soon, cause if not, it just won't be worth it to find a job. Our plan was that I was going to keep working until I had Will and we would be saving Andy's paychecks. It's ok though, I am sure we will be able to find something that will bring in the extra cash.

On a happier note: We went to Idaho this weekend (we were able to leave earlier on Friday becuase I got home eariler) Andy's nephew Rickie was baptized and his other nephew Lee was ordained a deacon! It was really exciting! We arrived Friday night around 9ish. I learned how to make Nikki's cinnamon rolls, and they are DELICIOUS! Saturday was the baptism. It was really great. After the baptism, we all went back to Nikki's house...All of us. There was 30 of us. And that's just Andy's parents, his siblings+spouses+kids. And that's leaving out his brother Jake's family who wasn't able to come from Arizona. It was quite the mad house! After we hung out for a little bit(I caught a cat nap in all the ruckus) we went to this place called Leo's. It's like Chuck-e Cheese, but better! They have the best burgers! It's a build your own type place. Andy got a cheese burger with bacon and garlic and added a bunch of other stuff. I got a plain burger and added the good stuff! Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mayo, katchup, mustard and jalepenos, my favorite :) Plus we had fries with, of course, fry sauce! Yum! That night we talked about the big family trip to Disney Land! I am so excited! I have NEVER been and I can't wait to go! We are going in September of 2010. I know, it's far away and we're already planning it...it's not my doing though, I'm not a planner. Needless to say, it has gotten me very excited about going! Sunday we went to Church and Lee was ordained, then we went back to Nikki's and had corned beef and cabbage. It is one of my new favorites! I ask for it everytime we go there! We got home around 9 last night and were very glad to be in our bed!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Restroom...PSH!

Some of you guys and gals will get kick from this, how true this is.
Remember the ability to laugh heals hearts...but lack of tissue causes catastrophes:) When you have to visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place. Once it's your turn, you check for feet under the stall doors. Every stall is occupied.
Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall. You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter, the wait has been so long you are about to wet your pants! The dispenser for=2 0the modern 'seat covers' (invented by someone's Mom, no
doubt) is handy, but empty. You would hang your purse on the door hook, if there was one, but there isn't - so you carefully, but quickly drape it around your neck, (Mom would turn over in her grave if you put i t on the FLOOR!), yank down your pants, and assume ' The Stance.' In this position your aging, toneless thigh muscles begin to shake. You'd love to sit down, but you certainly hadn't taken time to wipe the
seat or lay toilet paper on it, so you hold 'The Stance.' To take your mind off your trembling thighs, you reach for what you discover to be the empty toilet paper dispenser . In your mind, you can hear your mother's voice saying, 'Honey, if you had tried to clean the seat, you would have KNOWN there was no toilet paper!' Your thighs shake more. You remember the tiny tissue that you blew your nose on yesterday - the
one that's still in your purse. (Oh yeah, the purse around your neck, that now, you have to hold up trying not to strangle yourself at the same time). That would have to do. You crumple it in the puffiest way possible. It's still smaller than your thumbnail. Someone pushes your door open because the latch doesn't work. The door hits your purse, which is hanging around your neck in front of your chest, and you and your purse topple backward against the tank of the toilet. 'Occupied!' you scream, as you reach for the door, dropping your precious, tiny, crumpled tissue in a puddle on the floor, lose your footing altogether, and slide down directly onto the TOILET SEAT. It is wet of course. You bolt up, knowing all too well that it's too late. Your bare bottom has made contact with every imaginable germ and life
form on the uncovered seat because YOU never laid down toilet paper - not that there was any, even if you had taken time to try. You know that your mother would be utterly appalled if she knew, because, you're certain her bare bottom never touched a public toilet seat because, frankly, dear, 'You just don't KNOW what kind of diseases you could
get.' By this time, the automatic sensor on the back of the toilet is so confused that it flushes, propelling a stream of water like a fire hose against the inside of the bowl that sprays a fine mist of water that covers your butt and runs down your legs and into your shoes. The flush somehow sucks everything down wit h such force that you grab onto the empty toilet paper dispenser for fear of being dragged in too. At this point, you give up. You're soaked by the spewing water and the wet toilet seat. You're exhausted. You try to wipe with a gum wrapper you found in your pocket and then slink out inconspicuously to the sinks. You can't figure out how to operate the faucets with the automatic sensors, so you wipe your hands with spit and a dry paper towel and walk past the line of women still waiting. You are no longer able to smile politely to them. A kind soul at the very end of the line points out a piece of toilet paper trailing from
your shoe. (Where was that when you NEEDED it??) You yank the paper from your shoe, plunk it in the woman's hand and tell her warmly, 'Here, you just might need this.' As you exit, you spot your hubby, who has long since entered, used, and left the men's restroom Annoyed, he asks, 'What took you so long, and why is your purse hanging around your neck?' This is dedicated to wome n everywhere who deal with a public restrooms (rest??? you've GOT to be kidding!!). It finally explains to the men what really does take us so long. It also answers their other commonly asked questions about why women go to the restroom in pairs. It's so the
other gal can hold the door, hang onto your purse and hand you Kleenex under the door!

I thought every woman would enjoy this! Make your husbands/boyfriends/whatever read this!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Called to Serve

I know that song is mostly about Missionary work...you know, going on a mission and all. At least that is what we mostly associate it with, but Andy and I have received new callings in our ward! We are both really excited about them! Andy is the District Leader and I am Enrichment Leader! I am so excited about my calling. Ever since I started Relief Society, I haven't been in Relief Society. I was immediately put in nursery and stayed there. Then when I moved here, Andy and I were made Primary Teachers. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing like primary...but I knew the women in the ward, but boy did I know their kids! haha Well, I have to say, I am so excited to be the enrichment leader! I am excited to get to know all the Sisters in the ward and to plan lots of fun activities and I just can't wait! Hopefully I'll be able to find enough time in my crazy schedule! But I will say, I am very grateful for this calling!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Be prepared...you all know an outlaw!

I'm not sure if everyone read my crazy blog about me driving like a Cullen. And getting a speeding ticket for going 5 over, but it's true. It really did happen. As we all know, I paid my ticket. Didn't fight anything because, well, I just don't have it in me to fight stupidity. Over the weekend I received a letter at my in-laws house...because I still have not changed my address on my license. (Andy said I could just write it on the back...but I'm not so sure about that.) Anywho, this letter was all about my driving...and that I needed to come in for a points hearing, preferably with my parents. HA, bring my parents. Ok, let me just fly them out really quick...even though I am a married woman with a child on the way, I'll see what I can do about it. So, needless to say, I had my hearing yesterday morning at 730, Andy went with me...to be my "parent" haha kidding, they knew he is my husband. So, in 2006 I got 2 tickets on my record. They transfered over to Utah. In Georgia, if you get two tickets within a year, they automatically put a red flag on your record saying you can not get a CDL. Well, that went on my record and it shows up as a suspension. I never apploed for a CDL, I've never in my life wanted to drive a bus. I called the DMV in Georgia to find out this was about, she said they had taken it off. But it followed me to Utah. So, here I am. Sitting in this woman's office for my hearing. Looking at my driving record, which looks HORRIBLE. And she's talking about my suspension in Georgia. So I explained to her about the situation. She called the National DMV whody whaty person and asked her what they could do about getting it removed because it is probably in the national database. After this, she tells me that because of my ticket, I am over the bracket for someone under 21. But since I will be 21 in a few months, and I look like a responisble person, she thinks putting me under suspension for a month is harsh. There is no partial suspension. If she were to take away my lisence, I would be walking from 8th south and main stree to 90th south and west temple everyday for a month. Hoping I make it to my second job in 30 minutes. Plus walking to my doctors appointments...which I don't think my doctor would be too happy about me showing up dehydrated. So, they put me on a years probation. I can't get any tickets between now and next year, or they take my license away indefinately. Super huh? Needless to say, I am very, very glad I still have my license. Lesson learned: Utah has crazy strict laws about drivers under 21. You can get married, fight and die for your country, but you're going to get treated differently with driving. And don't speed on 8th south. There's coppers everywhere.

We were home around 815 and Andy said "our neighbors will think we just went to the temple" And I said "yeah, but really, your wife just got put on a years probation"

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's A.....


That's right people, our little peanut is a BOY!!

His name is gonna William Ray Fraser!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


At our house we only have basic cable. This means we have 12 channels, 2 are Spanish, one is KBYU, one is KUED and the rest are like Fox, NBC, ABC, you know, the basics. Well, consequently, this means we watch a lot of news. I don't think it's a bad thing though. We usually watch FOX 13 News, just because I think the best shows come on that channel. We have the good shows like House and Chef Ramsey's Kitchen Disaters, then the News, the Seinfeild comes on after the news. Last night was a little different though. Instead of watching FOX 13 News, we watched Channel 2 News.

I'm telling you this, because, well, I donno that it is really so important, just some background information.

As we were watching the News last night, I was laying on the sofa, and I had my feet in Andy's lap. (He rubs them for me most nights, seeing as they've already started to swell somewhat) So, anyways, they did this clip about PETA. I'm sure you all know what PETA is, the animal rights organization. Well, PETA has gone to Ben and Jerry's, the Ice Cream Company and offered them an alternative to using cow's milk in their ice cream products.

Can anyone guess what that alternative is??



Imitation milk?


Human Breast Milk?


PETA says Ben and Jerry's should start using breast milk in their ice cream because it is better for you, and easier on the animals.

Now, I'll be the first to say, I am against the way animals are treated in mass farms, such as beef farms, dairy farms, poultry farms, ect. I will also be the first to say that I LIKE, no no, I LOVE meat. I love chicken, I love beef, and I really, really love COW'S milk. I drink about a gallon and a half of milk per week, just myself. Now, I think the way cow's are milked is not right. They are hooked up to painful machines and milked constantly throughout the day. Is that going to stop me from drinking milk? No. I know that a cow is an animal. It is not a human. Do I know exactly how any animal feels about anything? No, I have never spoken to an animal and had it speak back to me.

Now, is breast milk better for you? For a grown person, I'm not so sure it's better for you or worse for you. I, myself have never drinken breast milk. I do know that if a woman is lactating it is because she has had a CHILD. A little human being who DEPENDS on her for survival. If breast milk is BETTER for you, why would PETA want to take that away from a BABY?? Would they rather have mothers feed their children formula, where we may end up in a crisis like China, where the formula has been CONTAMINTED with a deadly chemical? Can you just imagine walking into a Ben and Jerry's factory to see women sitting on stools, while the breast milk is being pumped from them? Where on Earth does that make any sense? If we were in a milk crisis like China, where lactating mothers are feeding other women's children because those mothers did not breast feed.

I feel so strongly that this is not only wrong, but completely stupid proposal, because I am soon going to be breast feeding my child. And I do not want to take away from my child so I can give milk to Ben and Jerry's. I know that animals were put here for a purpose, and that purpose is to be a food and source of energy for US, mankind. I do not think it's right to abuse these animals in the process and something needs to be done about it, but I really, really do not think it is right to even propose that a nursing mother take the place of an animal...which was put on this earth for that reason.

So of course I was ranting and raving at the tele about how just absolutely NUTS I think this is, and the baby started kicking like crazy! I have felt movement for sometime now, but it's always just been subtle. Last night it was full on boxing time! It was the greatest feeling in the world.

and when it happened I said, "Ohhh! The baby is kicking like crazy! It thinks this is a stupid idea too!"

As of tomorrow, we will no longer call our baby "it". We will know if "it" is a he or a she tomorrow!!!!!! We are so excited! I can't wait to go SHOPPING!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh My Aching Back! HELP!

My back is KILLING ME!

Not just my back though, my hips too. Everything is stretching and it HURTS! It's the worst right after I wake up. I've been sleeping with a pillow between my legs, but my back still hurts. I wonder if it's ok to use a ThermaCare pad on my back??

Do you guys have any suggestions??

Monday, September 15, 2008



That's what my new bumper sticker is going to say. I was driving to work last Tuesday. For those of you who live in the Salt Lake area, I'm sure you know you're way around Sunnyside Ave aka 800 South. Well, I live on that road. And I also work on that road. Well, it's pretty much all hill. I mean, I swear there is this one part where the incline is like 90 degrees. Like I said, I was driving to work last Tuesday, going with the flow of traffic. When I look in my rear view and see the po po behind me. Whatever, no big deal. I wasn't doing anything wrong.


The light turns green and I start to go, well the copper turns on his lights. Super. Just amazing. So, I pull over. Completely confused. I roll my window down. The only thing he says to me is "I clocked you going 5 over. I need to see your license." So, I'm shaking cause I'm scared, I thought maybe my plates were expired or something. I give him my license and he leaves me there freaking out. 5 over? I've never heard of such a ticket before! He comes back, gives me the ticket, says I have 2 weeks to pay, that I can go to traffic school if I don't want the points, and then, this is the part that makes me mad, he says "Have a nice day!" PSHHH, yeah, ok, why don't YOU have a nice day! I was going WITH traffic, and down a freaking hill. The speed limit on that road is freaking ridiculous anyways. There are speed traps everwhere. It starts out at 35, then as soon as you start going down the hills, it drops down to 30. So you're pushing your breaks pretty much the whole time.

If this was Georgia, I would have never gotten a ticket for 5 miles over the limit. Isn't there like a cushion or something, especially on a hill?

So to top it off, I checked to see if my ticket had posted online so I could pay it, and it has. Guess how much?? 82 BUCKS!!! 82 stinking dollars. That's like a whole days worth of pay!

I did use the Disney credit card though. I'm sure that racked up a TON of points!

So, needless to say, I'm going into the bumper sticker business and creating stickers that say- "Caution! I drive like a Cullen!"

Friday, September 12, 2008

Celebrate! Celebrate!

Andy got a new job today!! It's really good cause I'm still going to be working my jobs and we'll just be putting his paychecks into savings...for when we have the baby and we don't know what we're gonna do with ourselves! He is going to be working for the Biology department at school. It cuts his study time by like 2/3's. I'll just have to make sure he does his studying! I am really excited about it! We're gonna go to Hires to celebrate! They have the BEST hamburgers and fries anywhere. And delicious frysauce! YUMMMM!

Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of September 11th. Usually I always remember. Yesterday it was like any other day. I just wrote down the date and I was like "ohhhhh, it's 9/11" It's become kind of an omen. You know? Like Pearl Harbor. I went the whole day without even really thinking about it. I've never done that before. I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday...I mean, it was yesterday, but not the actual event. But I remember, I was in 8th grade and it was the year my mom drove me to school cause I was getting made fun of on the bus. My mom was running late and I was sitting on our coffee table watching Fox 5 News and I was just staring at the first building on fire. I called my mom into the living room and told her to come watch and we were both sitting on the coffee table starring at the tv when the 2nd plane flew into the second building. My mom was in complete shock. she kept saying "this can't just be an accident. It just can't be" I didn't really understand what was going on, but I was smart enough to know something bad was happening. We drove to school and listened to it on the radio. When I got to school I walked into my English class and my teacher started getting mad because I was late. Then I said "You might want to turn on the news, two planes just crashed into the World Trade Centers" The shock on my teachers face was unforgettable. As soon as she turned on the tv, our Princepal came on and announced for all the teachers to turn on their tv's. Kids checked out of school, I had a lot of friends who had family that worked in the Towers. It was the most terrifying day of my life. To be attacked like that, just because of our freedoms? I don't understand that. I guess if you believe something strong enough, you'll do what you think is right. Whether it is or not.

Like I said, I didn't really think about it all that much yesterday. That is, until I got in the car and on the radio they were playing songs and they had people who were affected by the attack talking on the songs, you know what I mean? And I just started crying. How could I be so forgetful? How could I forget and not take just a moment to remember all those people who died, who will die? I am very ashamed of myself.

We watched the special they had on the History Channel. It was really great.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Life is good :)

I just finished this really cute book called Austenland. Yes, Austen, as in Jane Austen. It's about a girl, well, ok, she's a 30ish lady. Her name is Jane Hayes. And she's been spending her whole life trying to find her one and only Mr. Darcy. When her Aunt passes and in her will she leaves her a round trip ticket to England and a three week vacation to Pembrook Park to live out her fantasy Regency Era dream and hopefully get over her Mr. Darcy search. Does she get over her Mr. Darcy fantasy? Does she finally decide to join the real world and stop looking for let down? Or does she find her Mr. Darcy??

It's a really fun, cute and easy read that will have you smiling at the end of the story.

I think when I grow up I'd like to be a book critic. I mean, how does one get that kind of job anyway? How does one get their opinion to matter so much? Hmm..I think I'll have to do some research.

We went to the doctor last Friday. It was pretty quick. We did get to hear the heart beat though. The cutest sound I've ever heard, ever! We also get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl in 3 weeks! The 26th, so everybody put it on your calendars and place your bets!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I'm having a hard time getting through this one...

Friday, August 29, 2008


Started reading Eclipse yesterday :)

Andy has been coming home early every night that he is SUPPOSED to not be home until 930. It's my time when I curl up on the sofa, with my book, chips or something else to eat, a drink and loose myself in my fantasy world. Wednesday I was making dinner, well...Andy made the salsa chicken in the crock pot and I made the rice, getting very excited to get to indulge myself in my book when Andy came in the door. I swerved around and said "WHAT are YOU doing home? It's only 630!" He says to me "Well, why don't you answer your phone every now and then?" (I keep it on silent most of the day and never remember to turn it back) So I told him that. He then tells me the Bishop is coming over tonight. Yipee...I have a really hard time having people come over that I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who don't like home teachers or anything, but I hate being put in those awkward situations. Maybe after a few weeks I'd be alright having the bishop over...we've only been there one week. I said as much and then I proceeded to ask him how I'm supposed to get used to him being gone a lot if he always comes home early? He says "Isn't it a good thing I'm home?" I said "Well, of course. BUT, I was excited to have the house at a lower temperature(he's always cold...I like it cold....I'm guessing it's a pregnant thing cause I didn't used to be this way.) and to indulge myself in my fantasy world." He says...and I quote "Maybe you should join the real world every now and then" Uhhh! (in a high school girl, I know you didn't just say that kind of way) The real world is overrated.

So, at dinner, I just talked about the series the whole time. And I called Edward Cullen dreamy cause, well, he is! And I told Andy all about the story and why it's so good. So, once I'm finished with it, we're going to read it together :) cute huh?

On another note...John McCain picked a woman for his vice president...I think this will be an election to make history. What's sad is it's my first time to vote and I feel that there isn't anyone good to choose from. Neither candidate has made me just believe a word they say. Sad huh?

Ohhhh! Little Fraser has been kicking! I swear it's gotta be kicking! It's great :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Moon

Started New Moon last night!

I'm sure Andy thinks I'm crazy cause while I read these books I have this goofy look on my face cause there are just so many funny parts. He doesn't really like to read, so one of us needs to, for our children's sake :) I may just take the reading thing a little over the top though.


Monday, August 25, 2008


I've finally started reading Twilight. I was a little worried because of ALL the hype about it...but I'm pleasantly surprised by it. Go figure.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Boxes, boxes...BOXES!!

Andy and I have officially moved into our Home Sweet Home. I worked yesterday morning and was not able to help Andy move a lot of our things into our new place that day. As soon as I got off work, I shot up 8th south to our new place. Andy had not told me which building or parking lot he'd be in, so I spent about 10 minutes driving in circles looking for his dad's truck (he drove that most of the day to make larger trips between his parents and our house). Finally, I get a call from Andy asking if I was there yet. I explained to him, in a rather annoyed way, that I was in the complex, but I had no clue where to go and I couldn't find his car. This is when he decides to tell me he was not in the complex, hence the reason I could not find his car! So, I asked if he'd left the door unlocked to the house and he said no. Well, what am I supposed to do? You're not here. He said I could just wait in the car. Sounds fun right? I didn't think so either. So I went to Wendy's and got my darling husband a burger and some chicken nuggets. He was very grateful for the food. Once I was able to get into the house, I got to work. First thing I did...went to Walmart and bought some dish soap. Oh, and some hand soap, toilet paper and a shower rod for the bathroom. (side note, problem with being pregnant and getting larger, your bladder is almost ALWAYS full, so toilet paper is a necessity) Well, that took about an hour. About 40 minutes longer then I was planning. So when I got home Andy had finished unloading and was sitting eating his lunch. I started to open up boxes and wash dishes. Pots, Pans, Crock Pot, blender, casserole dishes. Everything. Then, I had to find places to put everything. Luckily, Andy thought ahead and we had already bought a stand to put our toaster oven on. We were able to fit our pressure cooker and all our cookie sheets in the cubbards. On the middle shelf I was able to put my cookbooks and measuring cups(one of them can hold about a gallon of whatever you need, it's HUGE) Then on the top we put our toaster oven and our fruit bowl. I will admit, we have put things in some odd places. We have our electric skillet under the sink(it was too big to try to manuver in the top cubbards, there is a bar in the middle of all of them.) Our spice rack is on top of our fridge. Our Kitchen Aid and Blender...well, they're going to go on the shelving unit we're buying tonight along with all our food. I have two top cubbards which are empty. They are too high for me. I was standing on a chair to put everything above the first self, and I felt like I was doing to fall putting thing up there cause I couldn't even reach them with the chair! One funny thing about having tall cubbards, our shower head is really low. I'm not extremely short, but I'm not tall either, and I still had to bend a little to get my hair completely washed. I think the builder got confused between the showers and the cubbards. Our bedroom is surprisingly larger then I was expecting. That was a nice surprise! We can fit our bed, dresser, two night stands and a lingerie dresser in our room and still have room for a cradle! The hard part is going to be putting the living room together. There is no real separation from the kitchen and the living room. When you walk in, it's pretty much one big room until you get to the bedroom. That will be hard to separate without making it look too aweful cluttered. Last night was just crazy! Andy's friends came to help move the heavy stuff, the sofa, dresser, more boxes, our 100 lbs. box of books. I was feeling very accomplished with myself until they got back. I had washed every dish that had been brought up to that point, found places for them, had ALL the boxes in some what of a pile, put our bathroom together with everything I had up to that point. I was feelin good. Then the boys got home. And they brought MORE boxes, plus the entertainment center, and the dresser, and the sofa, and more and more boxes. So, I stuck to what I could have control over without bursting into tears (side note 2: being pregnant can make one very emotional. I cried over a book yesterday, I hate crying) So, I finished getting the bathroom together. And put the drawers in the dresser. And washed the rest of the dishes that were brought. Then Andy left again. So, I went and bought a pizza (still no food in the house) and some rootbeer. And I was home just in time. Andy came in about 3 minutes after me. We pushed some boxes out of the way, got some glasses, ate our pizza, brushed our teeth. Looked at the mess and I joked that I was actually grateful that I have to work tomorrow and went to bed. It was by far one of the best days of my life :)

Friday, August 15, 2008


Andy and I are movin out on Tuesday! Yaaahoo! We've been washing EVERYTHING! All our dishes, sheets, dish cloths. We're not going to have a dishwasher or washer and dryer. So I wanted to get MOST of the stuff cleaned so we can just put it away when we move in. I am really excited to use all of our great stuff we got when we were married! Like our amazing Kitchen Aid. Or our super cool quesadilla maker that I about peed my pants when I saw we got it! Or just our really amazing dishes and silverware. You know, our OWN bed, our own TV, our own couch! I just can't wait to use our things. And I'm so ready to live with just Andy and get to be a newly wed couple..(with a baby on the way already! hehe)...Don't get me wrong. I love Andy's parents! They are really really great! I mean, they let us live with them after we were married and had no place to go to yet. And on top of that, when I moved out here to Utah, they let me live with them. They've done so much for us and I am truly grateful, BUT I can't wait to buy our own food and use our own things and do things our way. No matter what, living there was not really our place. So, I am really excited to have our own place :) Like I said, we move in on Tuesday, but I have to work that morning. Lame huh? But I get the afternoon off, so Andy won't be putting TOO many things in the wrong spots! Our friends Ross and Gina, and Matt and Raquel are going to help us out! It's gonna be such a great help! Even though Andy is amazingly strong, I just don't think it's a good idea for him to be bringing a couch up stairs ;) I feel kinda bad because I'm pretty much gonna be able to take up the clothes and towels and that's about it. I can't do any heavy lifting, so I'll be spending most of my time putting things away!

I'll post pictures after we move in :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

East Coast sick....

Well, Andy has about a year and a half left of school and then it's off to Medical School for us. We want to go back East for that. The east coast schools are just more established then west coast schools. I will admit, I am extremely excited about going back east. I miss colors. Especially the color GREEN! I love living in Salt Lake City, I mean, it's much cleaner then any other city I've ever lived in, there is lots to do, but it's just...dusty. Haha, I know, I'm a big weirdy. But here are some pictures of where we are looking at going to Med School. It's in western Virginia. Not West Virginia, the western part of Virginia.

Here are some pictures!

Another thing I really, REALLY miss is going to the Gulf Coast! I absolutely miss the ocean! My family went to Deastin/Panama City Beach every year. I know, most of you are thinking, the same place every year...boring! It's actually not when your a beach rat like myself. I just loved going and playing in the water, volleyball, sea kyaking, diving for sand dollars, skim boarding, going out to eat at night and getting fresh catch sea food. It is just the best vacation ever. And it's really a vacation, you just go and relax! One of my favorite activities was going to Shell Island and collecting sea shells. I miss doing that too! I'm trying to convince Andy that once we can afford it, I want to get a condo or small beach house there, that way we have NO reason to not go! I'm sly huh?? I mean, How could he resist with the cool waves, crystal clear waters and white sand beaches??

Basically I'm saying, I want to be there, and soon!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Green Machine

Has anyone noticed the cost of food going UP?? One of those big bricks of cheese, you know, the 2 pounders(we eat a LOT of cheese around here) is 9 bucks? 9 stinkin bucks! That's sick. Bread is insanely ridiculous. And I've recently learned that even it contains high fructose corn syrup. With the costs of everything going up, people are going to be in even worse situations just to buy groceries. Well, I've come up with a solution. While I may not be able to fulfill it completely until Andy and I have a house, I can start when we move into our apartment. I thought at first of buying a cow. One to milk, that way I can have free milk, butter and cheese. Since I'm pretty certain anything larger then a small dog is NOT allowed in student housing, that will have to wait. But, you can rent garden spots in our court. You just sign up for them and tada! Fresh whatever you want. It's not very big, I'll probably just do some tomatoes, maybe some cucumbers and squash. We will no longer buy bread from the store. I'm going to make it. I'm going to talk Andy into buying a wheat grinder so we can make whole wheat bread and not just white bread. I know it's just small stuff right now, but one day, when we have our very own house, I'm having a BIG garden. And then it'll be ever better. It's just really depressing when you go to the store, just to buy the things you NEED and it's so dang expensive. We're all perfectly capable of at least growing our own veggies. Unless you live somewhere where the climate is no good. But seriously, I don't think anyone is happy about the cost of everything is rising. It's so not even cool.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Our baby does Summer Saults!

Andy and I got to see our baby today! It was really really great! The little bugger is SO amazing active! Lil Fraser was doin summer saults all over the place :) Andy said he was just excited to have his picture taken. He was so cute! I just couldn't get over the goofy look on Andy's face! He was so over joyed! It was amazing! The doctor was saying he couldn't believe how much he was movie. He said "this is a hyperactive baby. We'll have to get him some hyperactive meds!!: I said "haha, ridalin for your fetus! haha Anywho...the little bugger was EVERYWHERE! I can't wait until I can actually FEEL the movement. Although, I'm sure I'll be wishing I couldn't feel it sometimes! We got a picture. The doc was having kind of a hard time seeing clearly because my bladder wasn't "full" PSHHH! I beg to differ about that statement! My bladder is ALWAYS full now. I go back in 5weeks. Then either a week or two weeks after that I have to go have the RH negative shot and some more blood work done. NOT excited. Oh well. It's all a good reason huh? Tonight Andy and I are watching his sisters kids. 5 girls and 2 boys...don't worry, they are 2 different sisters. Although it's split exactly that way. 5 girls to his sister Becky and 2 boys to his sister Cassie.

One good thing the doctor prescribed was back rubs, every night! Sweet deal huh?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I said DOCTORRRRR, is there nothin I can take??

I love the Coconut song by Harry Nilsson. It's great!

Yesterday Andy and I went to the doctor's office. We met with the nurse and she just introduced us to the office, took family medical history, gave some vitamins to try and did lab tests. It was really exciting! So, you all know how I picked out my doctor right? Just random chance. His office answered when I called and so I made the appointment with him. WELL, we were reading the biography of Dr. Stephen Lamb, and I just about fell out of my seat. Andy's parents gave us this book when we got married. It's called "Between Husband and Wife". It's an LDS Doctors point of view on intimate relationships...we thought it was kinda funny to give us that. Guess what??

My doctor is the co-author of that book! Crazy huh? I guess I tested fate and so far, it's turned out pretty great! :)

When I was getting the blood tests done, I was doing my deep breathing, keeping my mind off the needle. I HATE needles! I pass out every time I get a shot or anything. I did good yesterday. I didn't pass out. I didn't watch though either. When the nurse was done, She had taken 5 huge vials of blood. I couldn't believe how much blood she'd taken! Now, I have this HUGE bruise on my arm. I look like I do drugs or something :( It is really big!

I go meet my famous doctor on Friday. AND we get to have a mini ultra sound done! I'm excited to see our baby for the first time :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just to catch up!

Well, I go to the doctor tomorrow! I'm nervous/excited :) I have no clue what they're gonna do! Andy's coming with me! He's taking finals right now and just has to take one this week and it was today :)

Just to catch everyone up, this week was CRAZY!!

First, the check engine light came on. We went to Auto Zone to check what it could be. It was something to do with the safety something or other. Basically, our car was saying we could go into drive without having the car on...but we couldn't. So, as we were driving home, the engine light went off. Ok...that was weird. Then the next day, I was leaving work to come home and the brakes started squealing. That's never good. I told Andy, and then he heard it as well. Thursday was Pioneer Day, so I didn't have work and Andy was out of school. He woke up early to start working on the car. He was going to change the breaks. We wanted to go see The Dark Knight (we could use our discount passes for a matinée) Andy said he'd be done by about 2. We'd be able to see a 230 show. Well, he couldn't get the bolts off the thingy to get the other thingy off..we had to take the scooter! It was fun, but let me tell you, it's much more bumpy then a car. Every time we went over a bump, it hurt my stomach. Hopefully it wasn't a bad thing to do for the baby. Friday, Andy drove me to work...on the scoot. I get off right at 6. So I told Andy "be here AT 6, please no later". He had someone from our ward come help him take the bolts off and by the time they were finished, it was already ten after 6. I called him, asked him if he'd forgotten me...he says, I'm leaving right now. I didn't forget, I just got the bolts out! I was excited! My excitement soon died when he told me there were 2 nails in one of my tires. We had to get those fixed. So, he had to take me to work again on Saturday. The car place found 2 nails and 3 screws in our 2 front tires! I have to drive through construction zones everyday to get to my second job...it's a bummer. BUT, we did get the car fixed :) it drives like a beaut now!

I have to include SOMETHING about The Dark Knight.
Let me say, it is the BEST Batman movie I have ever seen. Everything about that movie is top notch. The acting is incredible. Yeah, it was dark...but not the kind of dark lots of people were saying it is. I guess people just forget, it's a comic book movie. It's not real. But it is by far the best Batman movie there is. I don't know HOW they'll top this one with the next movie. I wonder which villain they'll have in the next movie. Penguin? Maybe the Ice Man? I never really liked that villain...he was kind of a dumb one. Who knows though. I can't wait for the next one though. We'll own the first two for sure :) Andy and I watched this show on the discovery channel. It was about whether or not the technology in Batman could be used in real life. Do you know, most of the technology can be used in real life? Even the wings? Pretty sick, huh? And they are trying to create some of the things Batman uses in his movies to be used in real life...who knows, maybe we'll one day have a real live Batman :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Icky Ticky

So, I've been kinda sick the past few days. Maybe it's just stress. Who knows. I bet the fact that no matter how long I sleep, I can't get enough sleep has something to do with it as well.

Last night, Andy and I went to see a special viewing of The Rocker. It's a new movie starring Dwight from "The Office". Let me just say, it was so funny :) It is supposed to come out at the end of the summer! So go see it!

I go to the doctor next week (finally)!! I had no clue which doctor to choose, but I knew where I want to have the baby. So, I just went to the physician referral on the web page and started calling. Do you know, most doctors have their office closed for like TWO hours during lunch? Yeah, sick, I know. I called about 5 places before I had anyone answer. The first person to answer was who I made an appointment with. Process of elimination I guess huh? Or more like testing fate. Anywho, the nurse I spoke with was very kind. She even told me what kind of Medicaid to choose when the time comes. That was very helpful :)

I've been going crazy. I finished my last book I was reading, A Fiery Cross, on Thursday. And I went to the library on Friday and they didn't have the next book in the series! I had to put it on hold :( I don't like to mix series, so I've been reading one of the other books in the series until I can get the next one, A Breath of Snow and Ashes. It's driving me wacko!!