I changed my font at Lily Puff

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Called to Serve

I know that song is mostly about Missionary work...you know, going on a mission and all. At least that is what we mostly associate it with, but Andy and I have received new callings in our ward! We are both really excited about them! Andy is the District Leader and I am Enrichment Leader! I am so excited about my calling. Ever since I started Relief Society, I haven't been in Relief Society. I was immediately put in nursery and stayed there. Then when I moved here, Andy and I were made Primary Teachers. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing like primary...but I knew the women in the ward, but boy did I know their kids! haha Well, I have to say, I am so excited to be the enrichment leader! I am excited to get to know all the Sisters in the ward and to plan lots of fun activities and I just can't wait! Hopefully I'll be able to find enough time in my crazy schedule! But I will say, I am very grateful for this calling!!


Laura said...

Oh, I love relief society! I just got released from primary when Charlotte was born, and it's been great to meet with the sisters again. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Wendy said...

Oh Mycah, it sounds like life is so good. Wonderful husband, new baby boy in February and a Relief Society calling. How I love RS and you'll love that calling. You're perfect . . . in many ways. Love you sweetie.