I changed my font at Lily Puff

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh the JOY!

Remember my last blog, you know, the update/no good, very bad day? When I talked about my AC being broken and how they to "fix" it?

This is ANOTHER blog about my STILL broke AC.

So, when we moved in, our RA (by the way, we live in student housing) told us when she and our neighbor cleaned our apartment for Becca, they noticed the AC was leaking. They called AND Becky noted it on the move-in sheet. Well, they also turned off the AC. When maintenance came to "clean" our apartment before we moved it, it obviously was not leaking because is was off. I called the office, told them, and this is what the girl said to me "Ok." What? OK? That's all you have to say to me, is OK? No, it's not OK. No one came by that day. So, the next day I went to the office. I told them AGAIN. So, they say to me, and I quote, "You're running it too hard. With the cooler weather, there is really no need to run it at 68-69." Oh, really? Hmm, I am pretty sure I am running it at 71-72. But, OK. So, they say "If it still is leaking tomorrow call us and we'll come down." OK. Well, lo and behold, my AC is STILL leaking the next day. So, I call AGAIN. Then, I hang up and I walk my cute tush down there. They must have thought I was real cute that day because they decided to grace me with their precence and "fix" my AC. They pulled the vent out of the ceiling, made a huge mess, pulled the vent out of my neighbors ceiling, made a huge mess in her apartment, blew some stuff through it, put the vents back and called it fixed. YAY...right? No. As soon as the AC kicked on again, it starts dripping. So, I call the office AGAIN. Tell them that the guys JUST left and it is still dripping. "oh, it'll drip for a little big, but it'll stop. If it doesn't stop, call us in the morning." So, I say...OK! Well, I call in the morning, cause go figure, it's STILL dripping. And it's getting even worse. And what does the girl say to me...guess. I bet you can't guess. She says "OK." NO, it's NOT OK. UGHHH! I am so over that word! No one comes by.

That brings me to today. With a STILL dripping AC, which has filled my cleaning bucket about a thrid of the way full, and continues to drip. I called again and they are going to send someone to "fix" it again. I hope they don't come during Will's nap. He's teething and I've drugged him with some Baby Orajel and he's actually sleeping. I've got myself a Dr. Pepper and I'm blogging, looking up just how far you have to run, bike and swim in a triathalon that I have told my friend Heidi I would do with her...in Septemeber, and watching some cop show that I have been watching for two days straight now. Mostly because I have NO clue what it is called, and so I watch it so I can see the opening credits, but they don't show the name.

And in the background all I hear is "drip, drip-drip, drip."

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