I changed my font at Lily Puff

Monday, June 30, 2008

Really Tired

So, this whole pregnant thing is making me EXHAUSTED!! I am so tired. ALL THE TIME! I know I get grumpy, and feel bad for Andy, but I can't help it. There is just not enough time in the day for me to get enough sleep. I get queezy much more often now a days. Yesterday, I made some soup. I wanted veggie soup (I've been craving that, fruits and anything salty) So I made some...from a can cause we don't have any food. And I got half way through it and just couldn't eat it anymore. It's sad really. We'll go to the doctor in a few weeks! I'm really excited for that first visit! Me and Laura are gonna do prego lady yoga together! When they come back from Seattle in the Fall. I can't wait! It's gonna be great to have someone to be prego with and to have someone who knows exactly how I feel. Now all I need is for my sister-in-law, Cassie to get prego and we can start a club!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Blue or Pink?

So, I guess I'll just let it out in the open there....


We're havin a BABY!!!

I know, it's crazy. I'm only about 5 and a half weeks, but I'm already feelin it for sure! I'm really tired, and ALWAYS hungry. I do get kinda queasy now and again, but not often. It's absolutely the most exciting thing ever!! The Due date is Febuary 24th...too bad next year isn't a leap year! That'd be cool! So we'll keep ya'll posted on everything!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

We're just not nery good at this whole thing

Sorry I'm such a slacker guys :( I just am not so good at this whole writing these things down yet! And if that made sense to anyone else besides me...I'm quite impressed!

Well...this week has been kinda crazy for us. Andy went to the Dentist last week for a tooth ache. SOoooo he goes in, and the dentist said he needs a ROOT CANAL! Mind you, the reason his tooth was hurting in the first place is because the dentist did the filling wrong. So we're like OH NO!! So, The dentist tells him he can't see him until next week. Well, as the week goes on, his tooth is hurting worse and worse. He calls the doc and the doc tells him his tooth is INFECTED! So now we have to wait longer for Andy to be able to get his tooth fixed. He's been in so much pain this week! I feel so bad for him :( He's getting better though. Hopefully everything will work out.

We leave for good ole Georgia in about 5 days :) I'm really excited to see all my family and take a road trip with my hubby :) It'll be a LOT of fun!

I've really been getting interested in Family History. My Great Aunt Maureen gave me all our family history that she had done so far. It's the best gift ever! I was doing some research on my great-great-great grandpa. And I found out that he was given a plot of land in Navoo across the street from Heber C. Kimball...who is Andy's great-great uncle! How crazy is that????

Guess it really was meant to be, eh?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Because I am counting down the minutes until I get off work...

4 Things you may not know:
  • I snort when I laugh...but I'm subtle about it...
  • I am afraid of walking around my in-laws in the dark. It's really creepy. Seriously. I always have to make sure there is a light on to mark the path. I'll go downstairs, turn on all the lights as I walk, then when I go back I turn the lights off. But that way my path is always lit.
  • I really hate peaches. They are just so gross to me
  • I HATE planning. A LOT

4 Places I Go Over and Over:

  • Taffy Town
  • BSCI
  • Wendy's
  • Cassie's

  • 4 People Who Email Me:
  • my grandma
  • andy
  • Mom
  • people i work with

4 of My Favorite Foods:

  • spaghetti...not just from a can though...home made
  • portuguese soup
  • Pizza
  • chips and salsa

4 Places I'd Rather Be:

  • the beach
  • Disney World
  • hiking/camping
  • somewhere eating

4 Movies I Watch Over and Over:

  • Tommy Boy
  • Braveheart
  • Night at the Museum
  • Enchanted

good friends, portuguese food and avacado shakes

So, last night was pretty much a ton of fun! Brandon and Laura came over for Portuguese food!! It was soo good! We had Portuguese soup. It's potatoes, carrots, onions and turnips. you make it into a mush type substance and add spinach leaves. Oh so good! Then we had garlic chicken with potatoes. (it was a high carb meal) It was so good though. We really love to hang out with Brandon and Laura. We watched about 7 episodes of House. It was pretty great! While watching House, we made Avacado shakes! Sounds kinda weird...ok...really weird. But it's sooo amazingly delicious!!

Tonight, Andy and I get to go see STOMP! I can't wait! I'm just sitting at work, counting down the hours until we get to go! We're gonna eat at Hire's...I've never been there before :)~ We'll see how it goes :)

Things have been going really well. We had to get the alignment fixed on my car before we took it to GA. Luckily it was only 50 bucks!

Hopefully someday I'll get some pictures posted up here of our cute little family :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Home Alone

Well, for those of you who don't know, Andy and I live with his parents. We are moving out in August, but for now they're being so kind and letting us live with them. Well, they're out of town for the whole month! Needless to say, they get to spend some time in Seattle, go on an Alaskan cruise, drive down the coast! I can't wait until Andy and I are able to do things like that!!

Andy and I have become obsessed with House. We bought the first season on DVD and watch it every night! Maybe Andy will be an awesome doctor like House...minus the crank I hate everyone attitude!

Andy drove his scoot in the rain yesterday...crazy man!

Our good friends, Brandon and Laura are having a baby!! We're way excited for them!! It's gonna be a new years baby! :)

We're driving down to GA in about a week and a half. My dad is getting remarried. Weird. Oh well...ANYHOO!!

OHhhhh, the most exciting news! We're gonna get a turtle! I know, it's so exciting! I can't wait!! haha we won't have room for a dog...so a turtle will have to do for now :)