I changed my font at Lily Puff

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look at this cuteness!

If this isn't the CUTEST little boy I have ever seen!
Thanks Matt and Raquel for taking such great care of our little man!
(And, thank heaven for play pens!)

Blue Bloods

I am running my NEW dishwasher for the first time today, it just made this clicking noise that scared the bejeppers outta me! We're pretty much all moved in! There is still a LOT to do, but our new place is so big, it doesn't seem like that much! I just can't get over how much space we have now! I am pretty sure our old place is about a third of this place. We are looking into buying a sectional and selling our couch and futon we inherited when we moved in. So, if you know anyone who wants to get rid of a sectional, let me know! Will is loving all the space to move around in. He always seems to head STRAIGHT for the bathroom though :( GROSS!

I have started making aprons. They are really cute, if I do say so myself. I have created yet ANOTHER blog just for the aprons. Once it is up and running, I'll post the link. I'll be doing a boutique on Nov. 14th. The address will be 996 University Village, SLC. In case you are interested. There will be bows, Sensty, and about 13 other vendors. So, come join us!

I read this book called Blue Bloods. It's about vampires. I have realized vampires have become SO cliche. Someone needs to come up with a new "villan" to turn into a hero. Like....zombies. Or Witches. I donno. It's a pretty good book. Quick read and it will make you think New York socialites are that much more ridiculous.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I have got the...

CUTEST family, EVER!

Me and Will standing in front of The Christus.

Me and Andy eating at Braza Grill! We LOVE Brazilian!

Me and Christina drinking our limeades at Braza!
(I know she's not REALLY family, but she's practically my sister)

The other day, Andy let me sleep in and he took care of Will. It was so nice! I have a great husband! Will just gets cuter and cuter by the day. I honestly have never seen a little boy as cute as him! He makes my heart melt. When I see him and Andy play together, I know that THIS is why Heavenly Father created families. He knew that no matter how hard life can seem to be, if you are doing it right, your family and home become a safe haven. When you are with your family, there is nothing in the world which can make you happier. That is how I feel when I am sitting on the floor, with my husband and my son, just giggling and playing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lend a Helping Hand

As you all might remember, I am trying to get myself into shape. I have been doing the Melt It Off program with Mitch Gaylord. I realize that if I really want to get into shape, I have to keep a journal, what better way to do that then creating a blog dedicated to helping me and anyone else lose the weight. I will be researching and finding new ways to eat healthy and lose the weight. Go check out my new site: Adventures in Losing the Baby Weight. Let's get healthy and fit!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 24th

That's the new move date!

We've been doing training at the RMHC for the last two weeks now. It's been going really well. Last night at training, Heidi asked if we could start a week early so they could move a week early. The first thing that came to my mind was "Uh, crap. I haven't even thought about packing yet." So, of course, we said yes. So, instead of moving on Halloween weekend like we had planned, we are moving on the 24th. The good thing about this is that we don't have to get EVERY SINGLE THING moved out in two days. We now have a week to get everything moved before we have to be out of our apartment here. That kinda makes me feel less stressed about moving...but MORE stressed about making sure I really know how to do everything and that I make people feel good at the RMHC.

Wish Us Luck!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Death Shall Not Conquer The Hero Again

Will and I went to see the Joseph Smith movie at the JSMB with Christy and Pat.

I have never cried so hard before in my life over a movie.

I am a 7th generation member of the Church. My ancestors came across the plains in search of freedom from oppression for following the Prophet Joseph Smith. Watching the Joseph Smith movie, I realized how much I TAKE for GRANTED the sacrifices which were made so that me and my family could receive the fullness of the gospel. So that me and my family could receive the ordinances to be together in this life and in the next. I am filled with a new appreciation and desire to do family history. I want to learn about my family and the things they went through for their love of the gospel and family.

Yesterday, Andy's grandma gave him a sheet of paper with his line of priesthood authority. Andy is a descendant of Heber C. Kimball, one of the first 12 apostles of The Church. There were only two original apostles who stayed in the Church. The other was the Prophet Brigham Young. My family crossed the plains. My Great-Great-Great-Great Grandpa Jake Workman lived catty-corner from Heber C. Kimball. (It's true, Andy and I do make a great pair! haha) I have a grandma who died in Navoo.

I love this true gosple of Jesus Christ. I love my Prophet Joseph Smith for bringing the fullness of the gosple to the earth again, for never, ever giving up on that truth and for dying so that I might have the gospel today. I love my family and my ancestors for living this gosple and sharing it with me. I love my Savior and for his sacrifice in Gethsemane and on the cross. I know the Book of Mormon is true and it speaks to me of the love of my Heavenly Father and Brother, Jesus Christ. I hope I am living up to the legacy I was left and I will strive to do so each day.