I changed my font at Lily Puff

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas To All!

Since It's been exactly a month since we last posted, I thought it was now time to update. Things that have been going on with us this past month:

1) Will now has six teeth, which he LOVES to grind. It makes my skin crawl. Yuck.
2) Andy finished this semester with a BANG! He did so well in his classes and we are so proud of him! We've been enjoying lots of time together this winter break!
3) I celebrated my *STAR* birthday. I turned 22 on the 22nd. It was a great day. My super awesome hubby got me a massage and it was amazing!
4) I got a new hobby. Quilting. I am currently making a Christmas quilt for next year!
5) We celebrated our first Christmas as a trio. It was so nice. Some of our highlights:
*Will got lots of goodies from Mom & Dad, Santa, Grandma and Grandpa, and Granny and Gramps, plus some cousins on mommy's side.
*Andy and I bought ourselves tickets to see Michael Buble in concert on the 31st of March. It's going to be part of our anniversary too! We are so excited!
* I combined some Christmas/Birthday money to buy myself some Reebok Easy Tones, for better legs and a better butt :) hahaha But seriously, I did.

We worked Christmas Eve here at the RMH. It was SO crazy. It was such a rewarding experience to see how GIVING others can be. Others generosity brought me to tears multiple times that night. We played Santa for the guests who were not able to go home for Christmas. Waking up early to hand out gifts was hard. Especially when we were up until 130 getting everything together for the big day. I made our stockings, it's something I am going to do for all our children. It's easier then buying a bunch of stockings and it makes them personal to each child. I kept messing them up though. And the fluffy white fabric I bought for the tops sheds like a cat. That is why we were up until 130. I kept having to unpick my seams with my tiny seam picker. Santa knew how much trouble I was having though and gave me a large seam picker in my completed stocking! Yay!

Here are some pitcures of our holiday:

Will opening gifts at his Great-Great Aunt Loralee's house on Christmas Eve. Thanks Avery!

Man, you know it's been a rough day when you crash in the high chair!

"Of course I am scared of Santa! Stranger Danger! AND he sneaks into my house late at night!"

Me and Mom on Christmas morning!

Our Tree on Christmas morning. Look at all that Loot!

Daddy helping me with my gift of goodies from Granny and Gramps!

These are all my toys from Santa! Blocks, cars and lots of snacks!

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and remembered our Saviors' birth!